Publications in peer-reviewed journals
Sathyanarayana S, Bernardini M, Modesti D, Pirozzoli S, Salvadore F. High-speed turbulent flows towards the exascale: Streams-2 porting and performance. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2025; vol. 196.
Salvadore F, Rossi G, Sathyanarayana S, Bernardini M. Openmp offload toward the exascale using intel® gpu max 1550: evaluation of STREAmS compressible solver. Journal of Supercomputing 2024; 80(14):21094–21127.
Gattere F, Zanolini M, Gatti D, Bernardini M, Quadrio M. Turbulent drag reduction with streamwise-travelling waves in the compressible regime. J Fluid Mech 2024; vol. 987.
Della Posta G, Fratini M, Salvadore F, Bernardini M. Direct numerical simulation of boundary layers over microramps: Mach number effects. AIAA J 2024; 62(2):542–556.
Bnà S, Colombo A, Crivellini A, Memmolo A, Salvadore F, Bernardini M, Ghidoni A, Noventa G. In situ visualization for high-fidelity cfd-case studies. Comput Fluids 2023; vol. 267.
Placco L, Cogo M, Bernardini M, Aboudan A, Ferri F, Picano F. Large-eddy simulation of the unsteady supersonic flow around a Mars entry capsule at different angles of attack. Aerosp. Sci. Tech 2023; vol. 143.
Della Posta G, Blandino M, Modesti D, Salvadore F, Bernardini M. Direct numerical simulation of supersonic boundary layers over a microramp: Effect of the Reynolds number. J Fluid Mech 2023; vol. 974.
Cogo M, Baù U, Chinappi M, Bernardini M, Picano F. Assessment of heat transfer and Mach number effects on high-speed turbulent boundary layers. J Fluid Mech 2023; vol. 974.
Della Posta G, Martelli E, Stella F, Barbagallo D, Neri A, Salvadore F, Bernardini M. High-fidelity simulations of the aeroacoustic environment of the vega launch vehicle at lift-off. Comput Fluids 2023; vol. 263.
Di Mascio A, Martelli E, Bernardini M, Stella F, Neri A. Boundary conditions for inhomogeneous combustion simulation in solid rocket motors. AIAA J 2023; 61(5):2314–2318.
Bernardini M, Modesti D, Salvadore F, Sathyanarayana S, Della Posta G, Pirozzoli S. STREAmS-2.0: Supersonic turbulent accelerated Navier-Stokes solver version 2.0. Computer Physics Communications 2023; vol. 285.
Bernardini M, Della Posta G, Salvadore F, Martelli E. Unsteadiness characterisation of shock wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction at moderate reynolds number. J Fluid Mech 2023, vol. 954.
Salvadore F, Memmolo A, Modesti D, Della Posta G, Bernardini M. Direct numerical simulation of a microramp in a high-Reynolds number supersonic turbulent boundary layer. Physical Review Fluids 2023; 8(11).
Della Posta G, Leonardi S, Bernardini M. Large eddy simulations of a utility-scale horizontal axis wind turbine including unsteady aerodynamics and fluid-structure interaction modelling. Wind Energy 2023; 26(1):98–125.
De Vanna F, Bernardini M, Picano F, Benini E. Wall-modeled LES of shock-wave/boundary layer interaction. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 2022; vol. 98.
Stella F, Cimini M, Dundar B, Rossetti F, Barbagallo D, Neri A, Bernardini M. Numerical analysis of the free-fall behavior of a space launcher fragment. J Spacecraft Rockets 2022; 59(6):2025–2037.
Modesti D, Sathyanarayana S, Salvadore F, Bernardini M. Direct numerical simulation of supersonic turbulent flows over rough surfaces. J Fluid Mech 2022; vol. 942, A44, doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.393.
Cogo M, Salvadore F, Picano F, Bernardini M. Direct numerical simulation of supersonic and hypersonic turbulent boundary layers at moderate-high Reynolds numbers and isothermal wall condition. J Fluid Mech 2022; vol. 945, A30, doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.574.
De Vanna F, Bernardini M, Picano F, Benini E. Wall-modeled LES of shock-wave/boundary layer interaction. Int J Heat Fluid Flow 2022; vol. 98, 109071, doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2022.109071.
Della Posta G, Leonardi S, Bernardini M. Large eddy simulations of a utility-scale horizontal axis wind turbine including unsteady aerodynamics and fluid-structure interaction modelling. Wind Energy 2022; doi: 10.1002/we.2789, 1-28.
Della Posta G, Leonardi S, Bernardini M. A two-way coupling method for the study of aeroelastic effects in large wind turbines. Renewable Energy 2022; 190, 971-992.
Stella F, Cimini M, Burak D, Rossetti F, Barbagallo D, Neri A, Bernardini M. Numerical Analysis of the Free-Fall Behavior of a Space Launcher Fragment J Spacecraft and Rockets 2022; doi:10.2514/1.A35421.
Bernardini M, Modesti D, Salvadore F, Pirozzoli S. STREAmS: a high-fidelity accelerated solver for direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows. Comp Phys Comm. 2021; 263, 107906.
De Vanna F, Cogo M, Bernardini M, Picano F, Bernini E. A unified wall-resolved/wall-modelled method for Large-Eddy Simulations of compressible wall-bounded flows. Phys Rev Fluid. 2021; 6, 034614.
Cimini M, Martelli E, Bernardini M. Numerical analysis of side-loads reduction in a sub-scale dual-bell rocket nozzle. Flow Turb Combut. 2021; 107(3): 571-574.
Bernardini, M., García Cartagena, E.J., Mohammadi, A., Smits, A.J., Leonardi, S. Turbulent drag reduction over liquid-infused textured surfaces: effect of the interface dynamics. J of Turb. 2021; 22(11); 681-712.
Volpiani PS, Bernardini M, Larsson J. Effects of a nonadiabatic wall on hypersonic shock/boundary-layer interactions. Phys Rev Fluids 2020;5(1).
Bernardini M, Cimini M, Stella F, Cavallini E, et al. Large-eddy simulation of vortex shedding and pressure oscillations in solid rocket motors. AIAA J 2020;1-11.
Martelli E, Saccoccio L, Ciottoli PP, Tinney CE, Baars WJ, Bernardini M. Flow dynamics and wall-pressure signatures in a high-Reynolds-number overexpanded nozzle with free shock separation. J Fluid Mech 2020;895:A29.
Camussi R, Di Marco A, Stoica C, Bernardini M, Stella F, De Gregorio F, et al. Wind tunnel measurements of the surface pressure fluctuations on the new VEGA-C space launcher. Aerosp Sci Technol 2020;99.
Della Posta G, Martelli E, Ciottoli PP, Stella F, Bernardini M. Enhanced delayed DES of shock wave/boundary layer interaction in a planar transonic nozzle. Int J Heat Fluid Flow 2019;77:359-365.
Cimini M, Pizzarelli M, Bernardini M. Aerothermodynamic analysis of high-altitude space launcher with direct-simulation Monte Carlo method. AIAA J 2019;57(6):2534-2543.
Martelli E, Ciottoli PP, Saccoccio L, Nasuti F, Valorani M, Bernardini M. Characterization of unsteadiness in an overexpanded planar nozzle. AIAA J 2019;57(1):239-251.
Volpiani PS, Bernardini M, Larsson J. Effects of a nonadiabatic wall on supersonic shock/boundary-layer interactions. Phys Rev Fluids 2018;3(8).
Cartagena EJG, Arenas I, Bernardini M, Leonardi S. Dependence of the Drag Over Super Hydrophobic and Liquid Infused Surfaces on the Textured Surface and Weber Number. Flow Turbul Combust 2018;100(4):945-960.
Memmolo A, Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S. Scrutiny of buffet mechanisms in transonic flow. Int J Numer Methods Heat Fluid Flow 2018;28(5):1031-1046.
Quadros R, Bernardini M. Numerical investigation of transitional shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction in supersonic regime. AIAA J 2018;56(7):2712-2724.
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M, Verzicco R, Orlandi P. Mixed convection in turbulent channels with unstable stratification. J Fluid Mech 2017;821:482-516.
Nichols JW, Larsson J, Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S. Stability and modal analysis of shock/boundary layer interactions. Theor Comput Fluid Dyn 2017;31(1):33-50.
Martelli E, Ciottoli PP, Bernardini M, Nasuti F, Valorani M. Detached-eddy simulation of shock unsteadiness in an overexpanded planar nozzle. AIAA J 2017;55(6):2016-2028.
Rona A, Spisso I, Hall E, Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S. Optimised prefactored compact schemes for linear wave propagation phenomena. J Comput Phys 2017;328:66-85.
Bernardini M, Asproulias I, Larsson J, Pirozzoli S, Grasso F. Heat transfer and wall temperature effects in shock wave turbulent boundary layer interactions. Phys Rev Fluids 2016;1(8).
Bernardini M, Modesti D, Pirozzoli S. On the suitability of the immersed boundary method for the simulation of high-Reynolds-number separated turbulent flows. Comput Fluids 2016;130:84-93.
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M, Orlandi P. Passive scalars in turbulent channel flow at high Reynolds number. J Fluid Mech 2016;788:614-639.
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M, Marié S, Grasso F. Early evolution of the compressible mixing layer issued from two turbulent streams. J Fluid Mech 2015;777:196-218.
Orlandi P, Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S. Poiseuille and Couette flows in the transitional and fully turbulent regime. J Fluid Mech 2015;770:424-441.
Alizard F, Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M, Grasso F. Optimal transient growth in compressible turbulent boundary layers. J Fluid Mech 2015;770:124-155.
Bernardini M. Reynolds number scaling of inertial particle statistics in turbulent channel flows. J Fluid Mech 2014;758:R1.
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M, Orlandi P. Turbulence statistics in Couette flow at high Reynolds number. J Fluid Mech 2014;758:327-343.
Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S, Orlandi P. Velocity statistics in turbulent channel flow up to Reτ =4000. J Fluid Mech 2014;742:171-191.
Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S, Orlandi P, Lele SK. Parameterization of boundary-layer transition induced by isolated roughness elements. AIAA J 2014;52(10):2261-2269.
Orlandi P, Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M, Carnevale GF. A minimal flow unit for the study of turbulence with passive scalars. J Turbul 2014;15(11):731-751.
Pröbsting S, Scarano F, Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S. On the estimation of wall pressure coherence using time-resolved tomographic PIV. Exp Fluids 2013;54(7).
Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S, Orlandi P. The effect of large-scale turbulent structures on particle dispersion in wall-bounded flows. Int J Multiph Flow 2013;51:55-64.
Salvadore F, Bernardini M, Botti M. GPU accelerated flow solver for direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows. J Comput Phys 2013;235:129-142.
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M. Probing high-Reynolds-number effects in numerical boundary layers. Phys Fluids 2013;25(2).
Di Marco A, Camussi R, Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S. Wall pressure coherence in supersonic turbulent boundary layers. J Fluid Mech 2013;732:445-456.
Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S, Quadrio M, Orlandi P. Turbulent channel flow simulations in convecting reference frames. J Comput Phys 2013;232(1):1-6.
Pirozzoli S, Orlandi P, Bernardini M. The fluid dynamics of rolling wheels at low Reynolds number. J Fluid Mech 2012;706:496-533.
Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S, Orlandi P. Compressibility effects on roughness-induced boundary layer transition. Int J Heat Fluid Flow 2012;35:45-51.
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M. Turbulence in supersonic boundary layers at moderate Reynolds number. J Fluid Mech 2011;688:120-168.
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M, Orlandi P. Large-scale motions and inner/outer layer interactions in turbulent Couette-Poiseuille flows. J Fluid Mech 2011;680:534-563.
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M. Direct numerical simulation database for impinging shock wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction. AIAA J 2011;49(6):1307-1312.
Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S, Grasso F. The wall pressure signature of transonic shock/boundary layer interaction. J Fluid Mech 2011;671:288-312.
Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S. The structure of turbulence in transonic shock wave/boundary layer interaction. Int J Eng Syst Model Simul 2011;3(1-2):53-63.
Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S. Wall pressure fluctuations beneath supersonic turbulent boundary layers. Phys Fluids 2011;23(8).
Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S. Inner/outer layer interactions in turbulent boundary layers: A refined measure for the large-scale amplitude modulation mechanism. Phys Fluids 2011;23(6).
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M, Grasso F. Direct numerical simulation of transonic shock/boundary layer interaction under conditions of incipient separation. J Fluid Mech 2010;657:361-393.
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M, Grasso F. On the dynamical relevance of coherent vortical structures in turbulent boundary layers. J Fluid Mech 2010;648:325-349.
Pirozzoli S, Beer A, Bernardini M, Grasso F. Computational analysis of impinging shock-wave boundary layer interaction under conditions of incipient separation. Shock Waves 2009;19(6):487-497.
Bernardini M, Pirozzoli S. A general strategy for the optimization of Runge-Kutta schemes for wave propagation phenomena. J Comput Phys 2009;228(11):4182-4199.
Pirozzoli S, Bernardini M, Grasso F. Characterization of coherent vortical structures in a supersonic turbulent boundary layer. J Fluid Mech 2008;613:205-231.